The other day I was washing dishes at the sink, gazing out at the pretty flowers on my back deck while reflecting on different things in my life, when a memory from a couple of years ago floated across my mind bringing my wandering thoughts to a screeching halt. Now, I don’t know about you, but God speaks to me at the most unexpected times. This turned out to be one of those teaching moments of His that got my attention.
One of my granddaughters used to be terribly afraid for water to run down her face. This usually turned a fun bath into one of great difficulty when it came time to rinse her hair. No matter how we talked about it before hand, no matter how brave she set out to be, every time I tried to carefully rinse the soap from her hair, she would struggle and cry and resist my help. My heart broke for her because I knew if she would overcome her fear, she would learn to enjoy the feel of water running down her face. So I would say as I leaned over her in the bathtub, “Honey! Don’t be afraid. Trust me. I’ve got this! Just relax and I’ll take care of you.” But bless her sweet heart, she would just cry, “I can’t Nana, I can’t!” The great news is that my granddaughter overcame her fear and is now like a fish in the water.
So as I’m smiling and rejoicing over her victory, I hear the Lord whisper to my heart, “You do the same thing, Brenda, when you don’t trust me and try to do things on your own and maintain control. Let go, and trust me with all of your life.” Wham! There it is! A gentle rebuke from my all-knowing, fully capable Shepherd that knows every hair on my head, every thought that goes across my mind and every need I have before I speak it, all while I am simply washing the dishes. Yet the truth of what He said arrested my heart as I realized I was doing precisely as my granddaughter had in my own life but in a different way.
Friends, fear is not from God. It is a weapon of the enemy that strips us of God’s best for our life. Fear can paralyze us from stepping out in faith for what God calls us to do and living up to our fullest potential. Not trusting in God but relying on ourselves puts us on the throne of our life instead of God. And that is not God’s plan for us or living the abundant life that Jesus died on the cross to give us.
I encourage you to draw near to God just as I do every day. Get to truly know Him and His promises that are for each one of us. As you come into intimate fellowship with our Lord, you will know Him as your strength and High Tower, your refuge when walls around you crumble and fall. God’s grace will give you courage in everything you face! His Word is right and true and forevermore. Always will you be wrapped tight in God’s perfect love that casts out ALL fear. The Cross has the final word, so let go and trust God for all of today and every one of your tomorrows. He is faithful and when you release control of your life, God is right there to not only catch you, but stand you tall on the rock of your salvation, Jesus Christ. Peace, blessed peace, is a fruit of trust. Never will God leave you, and never will He forsake you.
What will you let go of today and trust God for? Release your grip on fear and embrace faith in God. You’ll be amazed at the exciting adventures He has in store for you.
Living to love,